
Never miss a follow-up again

Following up prospects and customers has never been easier.

Always stay on top of your opportunities.

Get all your opportunities in one smart overview and know which one requires your attention today.

Salesflare intelligently brings the opportunities to the surface for which action is due and shows the information you need to take that action.

If not now, you can decide to follow up later or assign the opportunity to someone else.

“We were looking for a simple tool that would
help us
see through the daily clutter.
That’s when I found out about Salesflare.”

Follow up based on your customer’s reactions.

Track when and how your customers are digitally engaging with you.

Are they opening your emails? Did they visit your website? Which pages were they interested in? Invaluable tracking information is stored per customer and is revealed to you as real-time notifications, so you can follow up in an informed way.

“In tennis, life and business, timing is everything.”

Mail Tracking

Email tracking

Document Tracking

Link tracking

Website tracking

Website tracking

Know your customers inside out.

When was your last contact? What did your customer tweet? What other social profiles does he or she have?

You ask, Salesflare knows it.

Continue the Tour

Work together as one team